Our Fleet


From freight to tanker

Vario Shipping Group made its maiden cargo voyage with its first ship, Servus, which you can see in the picture. It measured 100×9.5m and weighed 1747 tons.

In 2003, we switched from freight shipping to tanker shipping.


Below you can see the fleet we currently hold.


Eerste Schip Vario Shipping vloot

We are looking for crew members

Vacancy Captain

Are you qualified?
  • Radarpatent
  • Maroon VHF certificate
  • Rhine Certificate to at least Mannheim and ADN-C

Vacancy Skipper

Are you qualified?
  • Driver’s license B
  • ADN-B tanker
  • Boat master's licence and/or Rhine patent
  • Rader and Marifoon VHF certificate

Our full fleet

Dutch Largo

Size: 110 x 11.40m
Passengers: 146
Crew: 27


Size: 110 x 11.40 x 3.00
Loading Capacity: 2349 tons

Area: ARA/Rijnbestemmingen
Ship Broker: GEFO Shipping Group


Size: 135 x 17.50 x 6.12
Loading Capacity: 8631 tons

Area: ARA
Ship Broker: Unibarge T/C


Size: 110 x 11.45 x 3.41
Loading Capacity: 2853 tons

Area: Rhine destinations
Ship Broker: Tankmatch


Size: 135 x 11.45 x 3.33
Loading Capacity: 3490 tons

Area: Rhine Destinations
Ship Broker: Unibarge T/C


Size: 110 x 11.45 x 3.41
Loading Capacity: 2851 tons

Area: Rhine Destinations
Ship Broker: Stetra


Size: 110 x 11.45 x 3.66
Loading Capacity: 3100 tons

Area: ARA/Rhine Destinations
Ship Broker: Stetra

Coppia I & II

Size: 183 x 11.45
Loading Capacity: 5701 tons

Area: Rhine Destinations
Ship Broker: De Korte


Size: 135 x17.50x 5.01
Loading Capacity: 8678 tons

Area: ARA
Ship Broker: Unibarge T/C


Size: 60 x 7.45 x 2.76
Loading Destinations: 602 tons

Area: ARA oil bunkering
Ship Broker: Interstream Barging Netherlands B.V.


Size: 110 x 11.40 x 3.41
Loading Capacity: 2740 tons

Area: Rhine Destinations
Ship Broker: Stolt Tankers T/C


Size: 80 x 9.60 x 2.80
Loading Capacity: 1200 tons

Area: ARA oil bunkering
Ship Broker: Interstream Barging Netherlands B.V.


Size: 60 x 7.45 x 2.74
Loading Capacity: 602 tons

Area: ARA oil bunkering
Ship Broker: Interstream Barging Netherlands B.V.


Size: 110 x 11.45 x 3.10
Loading Capacity: 2683 tons

Area: Rhine Destinations
Ship Broker: Unibarge T/C


Size: 135 x 17.50 x 5.00
Loading Capacity: 8773 tons

Area: ARA
Ship Broker: Unibarge T/C


Size: 86 x 9.60 x 3.00
Loading Capacity: 1556 tons

Area: ARA/Rhine Destinations
Ship Broker: Interstream Barging Netherlands B.V.


Size: 135 x 11.45 x 3.33
Loading Capacity: 3499 tons

Area: ARA/Rhine Destinations
Ship Broker: Unibarge T/C


Size: 135 x 22.8
Loading Capacity: 12614 tons

Area: ARA
Ship Broker: Unibarge T/C


Size: 110 x 11.45
Loading Capacity: 3042 tons

Area: ARA/Rhine Destinations
Ship Broker: Stetra

Questions? Contact us!




+31 (0)85 020 88 40

Questions or remarks?

Fill out the contact form, and we’ll make sure it reaches the right person to give you a personal answer.

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